A 501 c 3 nonprofit organization Free membership will change your life
About us
Why free membership will change your life
Our mission is changing people's lives
We are a recognized 501 c (3) nonprofit organization with the mission of inspiring, motivating and teaching people to become their best and happiest selves and create their best and happiest lives in every area of their lives now and throughout their lives. We want to teach people to become daily happiness, motivation and empowerment learners a little each day and provide them with all kinds of great muti-element materials for doing this every single day including free online weekday evening workshops and discussion meetings, and much more all year long that will change their lives.
"Imaging if you started learning, applying and reinforcing the essential beliefs, attitudes and actions of very happy, motivated and effective people a little each day and kept doing it. What would the results be? How does this compare to what you are doing right now?"
- Ray Gutoski Director The Happiness Project and Living with Joy
Our core conviction
We believe that everyone has MUCH more potential that they think they do BY FAR for significantly increasing happiness and motivation and for recognizing and achieving the personal growth and results they really want in every area of their lives now and throughout their lives. But to recognize and bring out this potential we need to be daily happiness, motivation and empowerment learners a little each day.
The tremendous power of being a daily happiness, motivation and empowerment learner a little each day
Imagine that you wanted to learn to play a sport or become really good at a musical instrument but didn't have a great athletic coach or music teacher? What would the results be? You might make progress but it would be slow. Now imagine that you had a world class athletic coach or music teacher to inspire you, motivate you, teach you and give you feedback a little each day and kept doing it. What would the results be? The same exact concept applies to becoming your best and happiest self and creating your best and happiest life in every area of your life now and throughout your life. People who are daily happiness, motivation and empowerment learners a little each day as we will teach you and provide you with great materials, workshops etc. will go way beyond the happiness, motivation and results in life than they would on their own by far. Plus this process is really fun.
"Being a daily happiness, motivation and empowerment learner a little each day as we will teach you will be one of the most important things you ever do. It will change your life.
We guarantee it.
- Ray Gutoski Director The Happiness Project and Living with Joy
The specific benefits
The specific benefits of being a daily happiness, motivation and empowerment learner a little each day as we will teach you are tremendous and include: - increasing confidence and self esteem - raising your self definition and expectations in life - living with more passion and purpose - setting more exciting and meaningful goals for personal growth and doing and achieving more exciting and meaningful things in your life - learning to achieve your goals in life much more effectively and enjoyably - recognizing and using your unique "signature" character strengths - increasing positive emotions and lessening negative ones -- creating relationships and social connections that thrive in every area of your life - significantly increasing financial literacy and wealth building skills - enjoying school or work more and increasing performance - increasing engagement and focus - increasing your sense of meaning and purpose in life - increasing essential character strengths such as courage, perseverance, determination etc. - bouncing back from falling short and failing faster and even more determined to win - being a better communicator - being a great decision maker - being a great solution finder - tapping the tremendous power of support - managing time like a winner and for increasing time abundance - increasing self compassion - finding your mission for helping others, your community, country and the planet - and more
How to go way beyond where you are right now
Why a daily happiness, motivation and empowerment process?
Reading an occasional self-help book or taking a happiness course is great but how many times have you read a book or taken a course in school and a few weeks later forgotten much or most of what you learned? I know that I have had this experience many times in all my years in school. The reality is that we only learn and turn what we learn into habits of thinking and taking action in our lives through daily learning, reinforcement and taking action using what we learn day by day. In this program we will teach you a daily happiness, motivation and empowerment process you can use even a little each day that will change your life and enable you to go way beyond where you would on your own in every area of your life. We will also provide you with all kinds of great materials to enable you to be a daily happiness, motivation and empowerment learner even a little each day every single day all year long. This process is fun, varied and individualized to your unique and invaluable life. It will fit into any busy schedule and will really change your life.
How much time does it take? Even a little time each day is fine.
The time you spend using our program each day is totally up to you. Some days you might only have the time to read or listen to our daily five minute motivator that comes to your email and mobile device every morning and evening every day all year and write a few lines in your daily happiness, motivation and empowerment journal. This is something we will teach you to use in this program that will really change your life. Other days you may find something you really want to work on in your life in our program and spend more time setting goals that use it and focusing on making it a part of your life, something we will teach you how to do. The main thing is consistency even a little each day. Over time the results you will see will be amazing.
Our amazing support system
The best selling motivator and author Zig Ziglar was once asked by a student "How can I motivate myself and stay motivated?" His answer was that motivation is like changing your socks or taking a shower. You have to do it every day. But because we are human our motivation to work on our lives can fade from day to day and sometimes for longer periods of time. That is why our daily and weekly support system including daily motivators to your email and mobile device twice a day all year long, amazing online materials, "short read" eBooks and audio books, weekly online evening workshops and discussion groups and more will really make sure you stick with this ongoing happiness, motivation and empowerment process. We want to inspire, motivate, teach and support you to see becoming your best and happiest self as though it were your favorite hobby, something you really look forward to and really enjoy doing a little each day
- Ray Gutoski Director The Happiness Project and Living with Joy
Why our program really works
Positive Psychology: The science of human happiness and thriving
Our program is based on Positive Psychology, the amazing research based branch of psychology that studies human happiness and thriving- what is it and how can anyone significantly increase and sustain it. It has been called the scientific study of how individuals, groups, businesses, and societies flourish and thrive. Since its inception in the 1990's Positive Psychology has grown to have international status and acclaim. Today you can actually major in Positive Psychology in hundreds of colleges and universities and classes are often filled the first day of registration. What we teach really works and it works for anyone. It isn't just the untested opinions of a self-help book author. You can read more about Positive psychology by clicking on the menu tab "What is PositivePsychology?"
"Because it is a science and subject to the same rigid elements of valid scientific research Positive Psychology may be one of the most important movements of our times."
- Professor Tal Ben-Shar PhD, Professor of Positive Psychology Harvard University
About our program
About what we teach
Our program also isn't about spending a lot of time learning all kinds of theoretical knowledge or difficult concepts like you might have had to do in school or reading a lot of long self-help books. It is about learning basic but profound essential principles, beliefs, attitudes and actions that will change your life and applying them in your own unique way in your own unique life a little each day and turning them into habits in your life- a part of who you are.
"Make money from home in even a few minutes a day as an affiliate. See below
for details.
What comes with membership
Membership benefits
Membership includes all kinds of great multi-element happiness, motivation and empowerment materials, daily guidance to your email and mobile device, online weekly weekday evening happiness, motivation and empowerment workshops and discussion groups, great e books, audiobooks, mini courses, local member created social activities and much more. (See the membership benefits page for all the benefits you will receive when you join us.) Membership includes both amazing free membership benefits and very inexpensive ($5 and $10) membership upgrades. These upgrades will change your life and really help us inspire, motivate and teach many more people to become their best and happiest selves and create their best and happiest lives in every area of their lives. Because we are nonprofit we offer these upgrades at a small fraction of what they would cost in the for profit world. You can also make money from home and get your paid membership free with very little time involvement- even a few minutes a day as an affiliate and really help us grow and affect many more people's lives. See below for more information.
Be an affiliate
Make money from home with very little time involvement, even a few minutes a day
You can make money from home with very little time involvement- even a few minutes a day or as much as you want posting our daily guidance on your Facebook page with a single click and in other easy to do ways we will teach you. For more information click on the "Make money from home" menus tab or click on the link below.